MIZAR is a brand of REER S.p.A.


Via Carcano 32
10153 – Turin – Italy
phone: +39 011 2482215
mail: info@mizar.it



Via Meucci 77
10040 – Leinì (TO) – Italy
phone: +39 011 9969833


Sales department

phone: +39 011 9969833
mail: sales@mizar.it

Italy sales manager

Andrea Sità
phone: +39 334 6908565
mail: asita@mizar.it

Export sales manager

Fabrizio M. Bertolo
phone: +39 338 6345844
mail: fbertolo@mizar.it


phone: +39 011 9969833
mail: aftersales@mizar.it


phone: +39 011 2482215
mail: marketing@mizar.it


Lighting projects

phone: +39 011 9969833
mail: project@mizar.it

Sales agencies

Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrein, Israel, Lebanon and Egypt)

Advance One DMCC

Giuliano Augenti
phone: +971 502429645
mail: gaugenti@advanceone.ae

Nikolas Motsakos
phone: + 30 6948 536358
mail: nmotsako@advanceone.ae

Latin America

Frank Esser

phone: +34 636 310 488
mail: fesser@mizar.it

Europe (Greece and Cyprus)

Motsakos Nikos & Co.

Nikolas Motsakos
phone: + 30 6948 536358
mail: nmotsako@otenet.gr

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